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Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup. It’s even cozier and yummier then you can imagine. This soup is made simply, all in one pot, with fresh broccoli, seasonings, sharp cheddar cheese, and finished with everyone’s favorite homestyle egg noodles. It’s such a delicious, simple twist on my favorite broccoli cheddar soup.

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |

Here we are in the middle of February, and even though we might all be dreaming of warmer spring days, the reality is that it’s still very much winter. For most of us in the US it’s still rather chilly, so warming cozy soups are an absolute must!

Like so many of us, I grew up enjoying the rich, creamy bowls of broccoli cheddar soup from Panera Bread. Honestly, it was my favorite wintery soup as a kid. And of course, I loved when my mom would splurge and get me the soup plus bread bowl combo.

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |

I mean, so delicious, right?

I’ve definitely made it clear over the years that I love anything broccoli cheddar. And while I sure have a lot of variations on the classic broccoli cheddar soup, this may be my favorite.

I took two soups I love and combined them into the coziest, yummiest soup. Broccoli cheddar and chicken noodle!

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |

Here are the details

Broccoli cheddar soup thankfully is a pretty easy soup to make. Therefore, I make it all the time. I start with a mix of olive oil and butter. Then add an onion and some carrots and let that cook before adding in a sprinkling of flour.

The flour is used to help make the soup thick, luscious, and creamy.

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |

Let the flour cook out for a minute, then add broth – both chicken or vegetable work. Next add milk, preferably whole milk, to make the soup extra creamy.

Mix in the broccoli and seasonings and simmer until that broccoli is tender. I love to use fresh broccoli, but frozen works just as well.

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |

When the broccoli is soft, puree about half the soup to make it even creamier, then you can stir in all the cheese and some fresh thyme.

When everything is together and you’re ready to serve, you can cook the noodles in a pot of boiling water. I love to use thick, homestyle egg noodles. Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s usually have nice options!

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |

Add the noodles to bowls, then pour the soup over the noodles. Finish with a little cheese and fresh thyme on top.

Then simply season with salt and pepper to make sure the soup is just perfect!

I’d highly recommend serving this soup with a side of crusty bread or beer bread, it’s the best accompaniment to a hearty bowl of soup!

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |

Looking for other soup recipes? Here are a few ideas: 

Slow Cooker Chipotle Chicken Tortilla Soup

Creamy Wild Rice Chicken Soup

Creamy French Onion and Mushroom Soup

Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup

Instant Pot Pesto Zuppa Toscana

Healthier Slow Cooker Creamy Tortellini Vegetable Soup

Lastly, if you make this Creamy Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup be sure to leave a comment and/or give this recipe a rating! Above all, I love to hear from you guys and always do my best to respond to each and every comment. And of course, if you do make this recipe, don’t forget to tag me on Instagram! Looking through the photos of recipes you all have made is my favorite!

Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Servings: 6
Calories Per Serving: 495 kcal

Nutritional information is only an estimate. The accuracy of the nutritional information for any recipe on this site is not guaranteed.



  • 1. Melt the olive oil and butter together in a large soup pot set over medium heat. Add the onion and carrots and cook until softened, 5 minutes. Whisk in the flour and cook about 2 minutes, then gradually whisk in the broth, and then the milk.
    2. Add the broccoli, bay leaves, garlic powder, paprika, cayenne, nutmeg, and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer, reduce the heat to medium, and cook, uncovered, until the broccoli is tender, about 10 minutes. 
    3. Remove the soup from the stove. Remove and discard the bay leaves, then pour about half the soup into a blender or use an immersion blender. Return the soup to the stove and set over low heat. Stir in the cheese and thyme, cook until melted and creamy.
    4. Meanwhile, cook the noodles according to package directions.
    5. To serve, add the noodles to serving bowls, then pour the soup over the noodles and top with a little extra cheddar and fresh thyme. Enjoy!
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Broccoli Cheddar Noodle Soup |
5 from 92 votes (86 ratings without comment)


  1. 5 stars
    We made this today and it was delicious. Only thing I didn’t so was noodles. We put it over baked potatoes instead. We will definitely be making again. Oh and I left out the cayenne bc I have Littles that don’t like spice. Yet another fantastic recipe! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hey Kirsten,
      Happy Friday!! Thanks so much for making this recipe and your comment, I love to hear that it turned out well for you! ❄️

  2. 5 stars
    Tieghan, this soup was magnificent – thanks so much for sharing it and for continuing to bring such joyous food creations to the tables of so many families – you rock! (I used regular pre-packaged noodles, but that worked fine.)

    Hats off and kudos to you for addressing the…detractors with such dignity and grace. It really shows your caliber. Keep up the amazing work.

    1. Hey Melanie,
      Happy Friday!! Thanks so much for making this recipe and your comment, I love to hear that it turned out well for you! ❄️

  3. She should call them out publicly and link to their sub. Just shine that light into the sewer and let everyone see how shameful it all is. For the small group of imbeciles that orchestrate that group, there’s 5 million people supporting T and HBH. The cretins are totally outnumbered, and should just be driven back into the hole from whence they came.

    1. Oooooof. My god, they are so gross. The jealousy and pettiness is screaming off the page. If you just glance at their subs, it’s clear they spend a lot of time, every day doing this. Meanwhile the object of their vitriol is jetting all over the world being awesome. Says a lot about them. All of it sad.

    2. They are absolutely dying for T to give them a shout-out. They are so parasitic that it’s almost cute. “We hate her….but OMG I hope she notices us!!” Lame.

    3. What kills me is that they keep telling themselves that only T’s family is supporting her. Yup, Sure, Jan. She has 5 million+ followers, yet only her family of 8 is aware of their hate group or is supporting the blog. Her family of 8 made 5 million fake accounts. It’s amazing how delusional people manage to recreate the facts around their feelings. No, read. it. – the whole world really can easily see how vile you are.

      1. I’ve been following Tieghan and HBH since 2017, and I’m well aware of what these hate groups are doing. The fact that they think nobody knows, and that only her family would be opposed to this is, well, mind boggling. I don’t think her family makes a single comment about any of it, and Tieghan sure has immense class to respond so graciously to these…I shudder to call them “people”, but I will for the sake of propriety. I don’t even think I want to know what motivates them to behave this way. I’m also stunned that moms (or so they claim to be) are taking part in this. I have two kids and I can’t imagine joining a hate forum to bash on someone else’s child, sister, loved one. Wow.

      2. Correction: they think Creighton single-handedly created all 5 million accounts and is the sole mastermind behind her entire empire, and every single cleverly worded response to all detractors on all HBH platforms. If that’s the case, then wow. The family deserves all the riches. More appropriately, Creighton does, because HOT DAMN that guy’s prolific.

        The delusion is real.

        1. Well let’s be fair now. At least half of them think it’s her mom. 😀 Or, they tell themselves that, meanwhile knowing all along that five million is a pretty crushing number. 😉

          1. I’m impressed if even both of them together have the ability to slay so hard and so fast. But it’s obvious that Tieghan’s fans REALLY outnumber the sad little haters, and they just look idiotic.

          2. Oddly, they vacillate wildly between claiming her family are her only supporters, to “it’s a bunch of random strangers who don’t even know her” 😂 So, not only are they evil and mindless, they’re also inconsistent, contradictory, paranoid, and schizo.

          3. They’re gross for sure. But the amount of sheer stupid effort they put into targeting HBH shows that she has made them feel very insecure and threatened. Pretty sad for them.

  4. 5 stars
    Be careful, the “R virus” are watching and reporting back to the hive. 😉 They get testy when anyone contradicts their “snark”. Anyone not on board with it needs to “calm down”. Oh, the irony.

    Keep up the great work Tieghan, don’t change a thing other than moderating the blog to keep the toxic pollution out.

    1. Well ya gotta hand it to ’em. The amount of effort and dedication they put into starting a new hate campaign every week, and literally fixating on every detail of T’s life, looking for things to whine about is…what’s the word I’m looking for? Admirable? Nah, asinine.

      Meanwhile they are imploding with jealousy over there because T is going to fashion week and South Beach Wine and Food festival, while they wallow in their dungeon of snark and negativity, accomplishing little else. What a sad existence.

      1. I just looked. Ugh. I need a Silkwood shower now. Horrid people. How embarrassing for them. The envy is so, so obvious, though.

        1. Ugh, yeah. Had to retreat immediately as well. What a sad bunch of lowlifes. Such a terrible existence they have. Like…that is what they do for enjoyment?

          1. It’s getting scarier still, though. They are trying to incite anyone on their forum who lives in Miami to go harass T at her upcoming event there. These are sick and dangerous people.

        2. Meanwhile they think the HBH fan base is going to migrate over there, be educated by their infinite wisdom, and decide to join their fetid ranks. Yet little do they know that they are just being laughed at and pitied.

          1. Oh yeah. There’s that. The drama. AppROpRiaTion! ThIEvery! StEaLing! ED! LIEZZZZ. Yup, we’re all gonna go over there, be baptized in knowledge, and convert to the cult of Read. It.

            Yeah. No. I’ll stay here, thanks.

          2. But the “stragglers popping in” are there to “thank them”. HAHA. That’s rich. No, “the stragglers” are there out of morbid curiosity to see the most disgusting spectacle on the internet, ask questions, and see if the posters there really are that moronic. The answer is yes. Yes, they are. But by all means, keep that wisdom coming guys. 😀

          3. Kate, don’t forget PHO MA GAWD. Affectionately known as “Pho-Gate” because yeah, the aPproPriaTion warriors had a meltdown over…

            wait for it…


          4. PHO MY GOD. That was the dumbest waste of self-righteous indignation I have ever seen. Like…these people actually have such a narrow perspective that THIS was problem for them. A bowl of soup. You can’t make this sh!t up.

          5. Wow…they are really a sick bunch, and yes, talking about accosting her at her events. They aren’t actually funny at all. What they are doing is so not ok.

      2. It’s actually tragic. I mean, I REALLY hope these people just get off the internet and go find happiness somewhere. It’s extremely disturbing to see that this is how they spend their time and energy. How does someone get so messed up that they form a community of hate, targeting an innocent person they don’t even know? It’s sickening. What would their loved ones think if they knew? I hope none of them have kids that can see them acting so hatefully, and I hope their own kids never become the target of such horrible treatment. But then the gravity of what they are doing might hit them, providing a much needed eye opener.

        Hey, you guys over there: What if this were your child?

        1. Unfortunately, some of them do have kids. One lady was blasting HBH for having Russel Stover candies at some event on Valentines Day (Why, I have no idea???), then she mentioned her own three kids – on a hate thread. And her husband. Like…wow. You have a family. Three kids. Who may someday see how you treat someone else’s daughter. Do better. Like, get off that awful forum and go be a decent human being if for nobody else but your kids. That broke my heart.

          1. Please tell me you aren’t serious. A mom of three kids is participating in this horrible group? I assumed it had to be a bunch of spoiled bored kids with no understanding of the real world, who just sit behind a keyboard all day being obnoxious.

      3. OMG, yes, it’s so obvious. Tieghan is taking the world by storm, and they are…hiding under a collective cloak of cowardly anonymity, slinging p00p in a “snark group”. There isn’t even much left to be said, is there? It’s pretty obvious who wins here. 😉

      4. 5 stars
        Where are you guys getting all this info? I don’t often see people talking negatively about her except the occasional person saying she “culturally appropriates” with her recipes. Lol

        1. I’m not going to post a link, but it’s out there. Read between the lines, there’s enough info here to find it. But be prepared, it’s like wading into a sewer. The phony, overly dramatized nonsensical “aPPRopRiatioN” garbage (you can’t appropriate food, FFS) is just the tip of the iceberg. That’s just childishness. These people are so much worse than that.

          1. It’s really disturbing. When they see that they have been outed, they hop to another thread to try to stay on the DL. And they think their sick, stalking behavior is justified, because they have made up fantastic conspiracy theories to support it. So creepy.

          1. It’s actually getting scary. These feeble minded loons have lost their grip, and are blurring the lines between their depraved fantasies and reality. They are talking about leaving their sweaty dungeon to show up and accost her in person. This is really disturbing.

          2. Everything they post over there sounds like it’s from the same few nut jobs. Just a bunch of repetitive rants about her weight and too much cheese in the recipes. Not real original.

            But the obsession and plans to stalk are alarming. I’m pretty sure that site has verification policies, and a real email address is required to post. Maybe this should be reported, because it’s really crossing a line.

        2. I found it with a few clicks. Christ, what disgusting people. HBH is so genuinely nice. I don’t even understand how anyone could be so mean. 😟

  5. It seems pretty disingenuous that this poster calling herself Carol/Natalie would post two long, guilt-trippy paragraphs about their disappointment, instead of just quietly going elsewhere if they had lost interest. It doesn’t require a public announcement and a dramatic goodbye. This is just another thinly veiled-attempt at a personal smear.

  6. These comments criticizing the recipes seem to be written by the same person/ T. R. O. L. L., and are posted word for word on “that hate group” that shall not be named, since it seems this blog has filtered out “the R word”. But it’s easy enough to find. Maybe try approving comments before they can be posted, and allowing only registered and verified accounts to comment here, as so many have suggested. I’m fine with the recipes, (even the cream, cheese, and typos) but the fact that there is no moderation in the comments is what’s ruining the experience for so many.

    1. You are incorrect in your assessment. I don’t know who Carol V is but she seemed to be a fan of Tieghan’s. I also loved this site and would think Tieghan would want to know what people think. This is not a big conspiracy. People (i.e. registered users) are entitled to their opinions and to provide feedback. If it’s not wanted, then that’s fine. They will move on if they are no longer interested in the recipes.

      1. Haha, you dispatched rather quickly after “I got this guys” sounded the alarm. Good little foot soldier. “Conspiracy”? Ha. None needed. Everyone can see you. HBH Feb 13-19. Seriously, though, why don’t you people find something netter to do with yourselves? You’re just making fools of yourselves.

        1. Yuck. I wish I hadn’t gone down that rabbit hole. I can see everyone’s point saying they are sad and ridiculous. They are, but even more sinister than that, they are seriously cruel and evil. That’s a straight-up hate group. I feel sick just looking at it.

          1. It’s golden, though, because they are so incredibly hateful and vicious but they get real nervous, triggered, thin-skinned and defensive when they get a taste of their own medicine. Typical. No matter what deflection/projection tactics they might employ, they still have to look at themselves in the mirror everyday and know that this is what they are. A sorry hate group. Not intelligent.

      2. No, I’m actually correct. You/Carol are no fan, and everyone here can actually see you and your ilk planning your attacks in real time. Get a new hobby – this ain’t it, Carol.

    2. Yup, you hit the nail on the head, Meg Snow, and now the Read. It. cockroaches are revealing themselves. Where’s a blowtorch when you need one?

      1. I bet they go up with a nice little sizzle, and make a delicious crunchy sound under the boot heel as well. 😉

          1. And they pretend they have “no idea” which of them is coming over here to stir the pot. Yes, the stench is overwhelming.

  7. I’ve noticed a huge switch in your recipes the last 6 months. You seem to be recycling recipes and adding tons of cheese and cream. Your early recipes were all so different and really awesome. I’ve not been inspired by anything here lately which is unusual. It’s the same thing every day with a twist of cheese. I feel like you are moving more towards being a stylist of clothing which is fine. You do you. But the recipes are disappointing. I’ve made so many of your recipes and own all your cookbooks, but I no longer am inspired by the recipes.

    1. Unfortunately, I have to agree with your comments regarding the recent recipes. I used to look forward to visiting this blog for dinner ideas but have been disappointed lately. Felt so fortunate to have discovered Tieghan during the pandemic and have enjoyed a number of recipes….thankful for that. However, I’m still looking for new ideas and looking at other food blogs now. Plus, each daily recipe seems to include at least one error so I don’t even make a dish until others have tried it and posted their comments. Ingredients are very expensive right now so don’t want to waste anything.

      1. Hey Natalie,
        Thanks for this feedback, especially regarding errors. I will triple check recipes to try and get rid of those before posting! And in terms of recipes, as I said to Carol, I do my best to share new dishes daily. Thankfully I have a library of over 1000+ recipes to choose from with lots and lots of variation. Today I shared an orange chicken salad and tomorrow we will have artichokes, which are both completely new dishes for me. Again, sorry you feel this way, but thank you for the feedback, I am taking note. Tieghan

      2. Hey Tieghan. Just something I noticed. Not sure why I am getting such mean comments. I mostly love your recipes. I’ve made your cuban pork with coconut rice over and over. I love your blog and sure don’t mean any disrespect. I’m not into much social media, but your recipes are really awesome for the most part really great. I’m older and not much social media savvy. I’m not sure what I did wrong but I’m still really invested in your blog. I don’t know how to explain myself but apparently I overstepped? I’m confused…

        1. Nobody addressed you directly, and nobody is buying your retroactive fake victim act, or that you are an elderly devoted non social media savvy fan. Just the fact that you came back here to try to identify yourself as such is telling, but not remotely believable.

        2. “It’s the same thing every day with a twist of cheese. I feel like you are moving more towards being a stylist of clothing which is fine. You do you. But the recipes are disappointing.” – Is probably what you did wrong. You seem surprised that anyone would be put off by this rude treatment. FWIW, your vocabulary sounds both young AND social media savvy – and also very familiar. Like…we’ve heard it before. Ad nauseum.

    2. Hey Carol,
      I am sorry you are feeling this way. I do my best to share new dishes daily, some may seem repetitive and for that I do apologize but personally my family and I enjoy this soup a lot. I love the addition of noodles and added spices for flavor. Thankfully I have a library of over 1000+ recipes to choose from with lots and lots of variation. Today I shared an orange chicken salad, which is totally new and has no cheese! Did you happen to see that? (: tomorrow we will have artichokes. Again, sorry you feel this way, but thank you for the feedback, it is noted. Tieghan

      1. Thanks for your response! I love your cookbooks and own them all. I’m grateful for your recipes. Just noticed the recent recipes are carb heavy. Probably because my husband is doing Keto. It’s so hard to cook for him!

        1. If your husband is doing Keto, and you are worried about carbs, then cheese and cream would be your best friends. High fat and high protein is what WOULD inspire you in that case. 😉 Curious, what bothered you about her “clothing styling”? That seemed like a bit of a personal dig, and “you do you” sounds both passive aggressive, and not at all like something a fan would say. Genuine question!

          1. ? Nothing Bothers me about Keighans styling. She seems to be really progressive? I’m done responding. I made a comment about her recipe changes. That was all. I noticed a change but apparently I should not have mentioned it.

        2. Yeah, sorry, doesn’t ring true. You’re worried about cheese, yet it’s the carbs that disappoint you. Oh, and the fashion. Gotcha.

    1. Hey Valerie,
      It’s just a homemade crusty bread, which I recommend serving this soup with! I hope you love the recipe, let me know if you give it a try! xx

  8. 5 stars
    Hello, we’ve been craving fresh broccoli lately and I am boiling some with carrots to throw into the spaghetti dish that I will be making for dinner. I printed this Broccoli soup recipe to try and make it someday; a version of it since I am not for adding milk to thicken the broth; I prefer to use beans to do that by pureeing them after they’ve been cooked. I am no expert, I simply DILLYDALLY along in the kitchen and life. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Looks so good! What kind of noodles are these? They look homemade and not the usual egg noodles found in stores.

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